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Waking up in the morning. Ideal tips for night owls

By September 30, 2023August 26th, 2024Massage chair

You’re used to going to bed early, but in the morning you have real sleep battles. You put off your alarm countless times hoping it will be Saturday and you can enjoy more sleep. Morning wake-up problems are a consequence of your pre-sleep routine. That is, what you habitually do before bed influences the mood you start your day with. So discover some tricks that make waking up in the morning a natural, effortless process.


    1. Waking up in the morning is no longer a problem! – What to do for active mornings without the snooze button?
    2. Early morning waking is influenced by your pre-bedtime habits

1. What to do for active mornings without the snooze button?

For a waking up in the morning more easier, it’s a good idea to establish self-discipline. It is important to know your body, your needs and your daily habits.

    • The body sets the sleep routine

For example, studies claim that an adult should sleep a minimum of 7 hours a night. This is a guideline, as some people wake up energised after 6 hours of sleep, while others feel tired all day despite having slept 9-10 hours. During sleep, you experience 4-5 sleep cycles, from light to deep sleep.

The duration of a sleep cycle is about 90 minutes. If you wake up during a sleep cycle you will feel confused and may even get headaches or migraines. When you set your alarm, make sure you have completed all your sleep cycles by the time you wake up.

Put yourself to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends. By waking up in the morning your body gets used to it and you’ll be able to wake up even without an alarm at the time you used to get out of bed with an alarm.

    • Avoid fragmented sleep

Everyone prefers to take a little extra time when the alarm goes off and it’s cold or raining outside. The snooze button gives the illusion of a few more minutes of sleep. In reality, fragmented sleep tires the body. Place your phone or alarm clock as far away from your bed as possible, preferably on your desk or somewhere you can only reach if you get out of bed. Once you get out of bed, your body is already set in motion and the drowsiness begins to fade.

    • Movement stimulates the mind and body

As soon as you get out of bed, follow an active routine that helps you start the day strong. Sure it’s tempting to retreat to the couch, coffee in hand and scrolling through Social Media. Moderate effort stimulates your body and mind. Start your everyday morning in the best rated massage chairs with rollers for morning relaxation, full body massage and pampering. What should i look for in a good home massage chair? Prepare your body for a new day with electric massage chairs that offer electric foot massage, or deep tissue massage to eliminate muscle aches caused by incorrect sleeping position.

    • Bet on the effects of natural light

A warm shower, drawn curtains and a little movement are the perfect way to signal to your brain that a new day has begun. Natural light boosts dopamine levels in the body and regulates the stress hormone. If you wake up before sunrise, then use a clock that mimics natural light when you set your alarm.

2. Early morning waking is influenced by your pre-bedtime habits

Is waking up in the morning often associated with headaches and puffy eyes? Sleep puffy eyes’ syndrome may be the result of a harmful pre-sleep habit: using screens that emit blue light. The light dampens melatonin (a sleep hormone) levels and keeps the brain awake. Melatonin is stimulated by darkness, so it eliminates any source of light, starting with the TV screen you leave on overnight.

If we’re living in the age of technology, then we should really make use of the benefits of devices. Turn to apps dedicated to monitoring sleep quality. Apps allow you to set up alerts in case of any dysfunctions that disrupt your sleep cycles. You’ll get pre-sleep relaxation suggestions, meditation techniques, chill music playlists, etc.

Did you know that 16 March has been designated World Sleep Day? The aim of World Sleep Day is to raise global awareness of the role that rest plays in the body’s overall health. By preventing sleep disturbances and respecting rest cycles we can prevent the risks of high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, dementia and other chronic conditions.

