What are stress fractures? The condition manifests itself in the appearance of bone cracks, developed as a result of high-stress physical activity. Are you a competitive athlete or is sport indispensable in your daily routine? Physical activity is vital for a body fit to fight disease. However, intense physical exertion can lead to a less pleasant consequence of sport: stress fracture. What are the types, symptoms and prevention solutions associated with stress fractures?
- Stress fractures are not caused by blows
- Stress fractures can be prevented early – Discover the main causes and forms of manifestation
1. Stress fractures are not caused by blows
The problem of stress fractures involves bone injuries that occur from causes other than hard impacts. At the root of fractures are several types of movement which, over time, favour bone cracks. Here we are talking about repetitive movements, as well as suddenly performing strenuous exercises without allowing the body to gradually adapt. Bones contain collagen. Collagen’s role is to rebuild the structure of bones following a shock. However, if shocks happen constantly or suddenly, the body may not be able to replace the collagen lost in the injured structures.
There are two categories of stress fracture. The most common is the stress fracture, which is manifested by cracking of the bones that make up the lower limbs. The second category is called stress fracture, which frequently occurs in the metatarsal, tibia and navicular bones. Of course, fractures can also affect other parts of the body, depending on the type of training being done. The most prone are marathon runners, dancers, handball players, footballers or volleyball and golfers.
How do you recognize the symptoms of stress fracture? First of all, cracked bones cause painful sensations in the affected area. The intensity is at first barely perceptible, bearable. Over time it becomes bothersome, affecting the ability to cope with training. The pain subsides or even disappears when the body is at rest. Swelling or local hypersensitivity may occur in the affected area.
What are the main causes that lead to fatigue fractures? High-performance athletes or people who exert themselves physically are the main risk groups.
Due to overstrain, the bones begin to crack. Other risk factors include:
- low bone density;
- low body weight;
- menstrual disorders;
- amenorrhoea;
- osteoporosis;
- limb length discrepancy;
- poor nutrition;
- insufficient calcium intake;
- lack of weight-bearing exercise.
2. Stress fractures can be prevented early – Discover the main causes and forms of manifestation
The symptoms of fatigue fracture can easily be confused with the signs that accompany other types of conditions. Differentiating fatigue fracture from other conditions is possible with X-rays.
How can you prevent stress fractures? Like most health problems: by balancing your lifestyle. Have you started a new type of sport? Have you changed your exercise routine? Any change should be made gradually. The body needs to adapt gradually to both the frequency and intensity of new workouts. Get in the habit of adopting a fitness routine before sports. Set aside 15 minutes for heated massage chairs, try massage chair stretch or do some aerobic moves.
This gets your blood moving and lowers the risk of sports injuries or post-workout muscle fever. Every time you end your exercise routine, choose to rest actively. What types of massage chairs do athletes need? Try full body massage chairs! Turn to massage chair programs with kneeling rollers. Massage starts gradually, with gentle strokes that can be adjusted to a comfortable intensity. What’s more, massage chairs with heat divide the massage into different areas (neck, shoulders, back, legs), thus eliminating muscle stress and improving the mobility of the joints.
Did you know that 1 in 5 athletes suffer from fatigue fractures? Studies show that about 2% of sports injuries are stress fractures. Conducting complementary tests to diagnose and prevent this condition is vital. Otherwise, there is a risk that it may dislodge causing more serious pain and reduced sports performance.
The footwear you choose to wear to training dictates your health for the next few years. Just select the right type of footwear for your sport so that shocks are properly cushioned. Nutritionally sound nutrition is vital to any athlete’s performance. Make up as varied a meal as possible, especially with calcium and vitamin D, which are crucial for bone health.
What solutions do you apply to protect your bone system from overload?