Hypertension is one of the most common conditions in the 21st century. Stress, calorie intake, lack of relaxation are some of the most common enemies of high blood pressure. What are the enemies of healthy blood circulation? What to do and what not to do if you want to enjoy normal blood pressure?
Fortunately, there are some simple and painless ways to keep your blood pressure within normal parameters. How? By eliminating risk factors and establishing a routine designed to balance stress levels in the body. Find out what you’re doing wrong every day or what habits you may have previously thought were healthy but are actually sabotaging your blood pressure.
- Hypertension – How is high blood pressure manifested?
- Hypertension and relaxing massage – How do you prevent the associated risks?
1. How is high blood pressure manifested?
Hypertension is also called the body’s silent killer. What should the explanation be? Although the symptoms are almost invisible, over time, the rise in blood pressure above normal increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney failure or aneurysm.
What are the symptoms that signal high blood pressure?
- headaches;
- severe anxiety;
- nosebleeds;
- heavy breathing.
Apparently, the symptoms are easy to overcome. Over time, lack of a regimen to stabilise blood pressure levels can cause:
- vascular accidents;
- memory loss;
- myocardial infarction;
- eye and kidney problems;
- loss of kidney function;
- pre-infarction;
- loss of consciousness.
2. How do you prevent the associated risks with hypertension?
- Invest in emotional health
Excessive stress, anxiety, permanent nervousness erode emotional balance. Even if it takes until your holiday, you can still let go of everyday stress. For example, the best rated Japanese massage and relaxation chairs offers 5D+AI morphological scanning. Based on the 5D+AI mechanism, the top therapeutic massage chair detects and focuses on painful spots. After a demanding day, the discomfort can be so great that even you don’t know exactly what hurts. That’s where Japanese technology comes in, as the best massage chairs detect each muscle group with medical accuracy for precise therapeutic massage.
- Find solutions for sleep disorders
Sleeping for at least 7 hours promotes the health of the whole body. And that’s because it calms blood pressure, which influences heart rate and balances blood circulation. If you can’t get adequate rest, then try to relax before bedtime. Activate the armchair’s Night Healing programme which offers a relaxing stretching massage technique before bedtime.
- Opt for alternatives to coffee
Studies show that by consuming caffeine we unknowingly contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels. Teas are recommended instead of coffee. Those who can’t start their day without the classic cup of coffee can opt for decaffeinated coffee or teas. The best friends of low blood pressure are teas with the highest concentration of hibiscus.
- Check food labels for sodium levels
- Lowers salt intake and raises potassium intake
Foods rich in potassium are the allies of healthy blood pressure. Start consuming tomatoes, bananas, melon, oranges, dried fruit, beans, peas, potatoes daily and keep hypertension at bay without going to the doctor.
- Don’t neglect the role of flavonols
This element stimulates the elasticity of blood vessels. So replace regular chocolate with dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa.
Precisely because hypertension sets in gradually, it is advisable to consult your doctor regularly. It is possible to reduce blood pressure levels on the basis of a prescribed treatment, which may include following a treatment to reduce extra kilos, following a salt-free diet or giving up smoking or alcohol. Get into the habit of doing sport regularly. Opt for outdoor walks, light jogging or aerobic exercise to balance your blood pressure.